Thursday, December 29, 2005

Diaper days

This is Zach. Zach is having fun with his pull ups. I think he is bored with the whole potty training thing. Looks like it, huh?

Cheaper by the dozen? Not when it comes to pull-ups!! Zach came out into a room full of guests thinking he was really funny. Know what? He was. He could hardly "shimmy" from one place to another.

Are they ready to be potty trained when they can not only tell you that they peed,
get their own pull up,
but put on 12 by themselveas AND COUNT them for you??

Yep, it's time.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Would you call them a basketcase?

How about a barrel full of monkeys?

Monday, December 19, 2005

The Stinky Box

The Adventures of the Male race---they never cease to amaze me.

I'm in the closet off my bathroom the other day...I hear the boys coming. They are on their usual adventure of flying pretend planes or killing dinosaurs and monsters---I can't remember which. Anyway, they come into the bathroom and I hear them stop abruptly and Charlie whispers to Zach, "Hey, wanna smell the stinky box?" "YEAH!" comes the whispered reply. From the sound of their voices, this is the most daring thing ever.

I peek out to see them looking carefully down at Chuck's retainer box...

Charlie opens it slowly...

They both bend down and sniff...


and run off.

It was hysterical. It proves the point that I have always made that a 15 year old retainer IS nasty!

Sunday, December 18, 2005

A REAL date!

We went on a date the other night. A REAL was the most amazing time we have had in a long forever. We hired a FAVORITE babysitter ever (and good friend---are you out there Sarah??) We drove to Little Rock and had a progressive dinner. We went to PF Changs for appetizers, Tias for queso and margaritas, a really good restaurant that I can NOT remember the name of, and we went to NU for dessert. It took four hours to eat plus another 3 to drive there and back. there was no work stress, no kid stress, only us. It was so relaxing, so enjoyable, and I felt renewed as a person (instead of a mom) and renewed in our relationship. It is so much fun getting dressed up and being romantic all night. Made me think we were dating again! (oh wait, we WERE dating!)

One of the benefits of living in Batesville is that when we actually get to do something like this, I appreciate it so much!
Maybe we will get to repeat the date next year.

Saturday, December 17, 2005


"There is a destiny that makes us brothers
No one goes his way alone:
All that we send into the lives of others
Comes back into our own."

Here are my boys on a typical morning before we get ready for school.
I feel so blessed that they love each other so much.

This was unposed--
They truly love to just cuddle up and watch TV.
Isn't that amazing?
They protect each other, they fight for each other...
I hope that they always have that kind of a bond.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

A tribute to Nathan

Little amazing you are.

Three years ago this past week, Nathan Stanfield entered this world at 1 pound, 11 ounces. His diaper was 4 inches tall and was too large.

He has beaten the odds and today is a healthy, happy, sweet boy. God made him a fighter...whether it is for his favorite cookie...or for his life. He captures my heart every time he yells, "I love you Stacy!" or "God made me."

Yes, Nathan...He DID make you...with a strength that not only saved your life, but will take you anywhere you want to go...with a sweetness tht every mama wants her boy to have, and with love. Oh yes, He blessed you with love.

You are God's child...he has carried you and your family again and again. Always remember that. There is a special purpose...a reason that God made you. Always fight for Him with the strength that He gave you, always share with others that sweet spirit, and love Him...fiercely.

Happy 3rd birthday, my sweet little friend. I am blessed to have you in my life, teaching me how to live. And yes, I love you too!

The Stanfields: Garrett (7), Nathan (3), Brian, Wendy, Amber (5) A wonderful family...I am honored to know each of them.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Happy Birthday, Jamie Sue

We were fortunate to grow up in a family home with two parents who loved and valued us. Our childhood was fairly ordinary, interlaced with the usual ups and downs that life bestows. We fussed, we fought, and many days, could not agree on anything...but when times were tough, one was always there for the other.

Jamie is the youngest and probably the sanest in the family. I truly believe that this is a result of her watching and learning from others' mistakes. Her common sense and insightful approach to life never ceases to amaze me. She has the uncanny ability to see the reality of a situation. More than once, she has brought me back to earth with her straight forward and sound advice.

Jamie is a rock. I have loved watching my little sister grow into the amazing woman she is. Her days are filled with keeping people alive (literally) while raising a new baby and maintaining a busy home that also includes husband Jay and two big dogs. Through it all, she stays grounded...she stays real. I respect her more than anyone. Though sometimes I may not like what she may say, I always listen to her wisdom...and although I hate to admit it, I usually follow her advice.

She is an incredible mom...laid back and so very in love with her little man. She doesn't freak out or fret over the little things that consume and exhaust most first time mothers...she simply enjoys the moment. How refreshing.

God has (literally) placed us together to endure some of the most difficult moments in each others times when we didn't know if we could survive...In times when death seemed to be at the door. Those times drew us closer. As sisters, we have clung tighter in the past 18 months than ever. In a situation that could have destroyed our relationship, we vowed to make it stronger. We have...and I am so glad.

Happy birthday, my precious sister. You are my angel.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Fisher of men

Give a man a fish
and you have fed him for a day...

Teach a man to fish and you have fed him for a lifetime.

A tribute to Chuck McClain...amazing father. Thank you for teaching our little men not only how to fish, but how to live.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Sweet boys

Have I mentioned??

I don't think I have.

I have two of the most beautiful nephews in the world. I LOVE being an aunt! It is up there with being a mom, with MUCH less responsibility! My two nephews are Jacob Morrison and Jake McClain.

Jake was born November 10th. He was adopted by Carey and David and he already has my heart. The most amazing thing is that his hair color is the same as Carey's. He's incredible. I just can not wait to get to know him.

Jacob was born I THINK May 28th (Jamie will kill me!) He is 6 months now and will capture your heart with his giggles and smiles. We love to visit. The boys get in his face and talk to him and sing to him, kiss his toes and just love him to pieces. Look at this cutie! I could just eat him up!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

My First Half-Marathon

It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I ran, I finished, I survived. I loved every minute of it.

In a nutshell, it took 2 hrs, 16 min, 8 seconds which is 10:24 minute per mile. It isn't great, it isn't fast...but it is complete. It is 11 months of hard training coming to fruition.

I loved having Chuck and the boys there to blow kisses at the made my heart swell. It meant the world that they were there to cheer and wave at the finish line. I sobbed when I saw them because they have cheered for me the entire 11 months...on the treadmill they would yell--GO FASTER! In the stroller, they would shout--TIME TO RUN!

I also LOVED seeing the patients at St. Jude at mile 10 cheering and thanking us for running for them. Wow. How humbling. We cried for the next mile.

I ran the whole race with my friend Jessica Fagan. That was amazing...and I was SO glad to be done at mile 13---SHE ran 26!

There were 5211 people in the race...of the 3680 that ran the 1/2, I was finished #2081...that is pretty slow. But Zach will tell anyone who will listen that I won the race. I DID win the race...I was #1 to him and I met my goal of finishing!

I do not hesitate in saying that ANYONE can run . But no matter what you do, find something that you love, that is yours alone...and stay committed to it. It is so rewarding.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Race Day

Last January, I took up running. My parents had filed for divorce, Chuck was working a lot, the boys were crazy and so was I. I found it to be a GREAT stress reliever and quickly become addicted. I remember running with a friend in our neighborhood and after what seemed like forever, I was DYING. "How far have we been?" I panted. She looks at her fancy GPS. "About 1/3 of a mile." Humbling. After 3 months, I had built my distance up to 1.5 miles, which made me an official "beginner runner." In April, I drove to Nashville to visit my sister. I rode with a friend who was running a half-marathon and she challenged me to do the same. December 3rd was to be the St. Jude Marathon and half-marathon. I set my goal for then.

In August, I ran my first race. It was the 4 mile classic in Batesville. That was the farthest I had ever run and was SO nervous. I had an ingrown toenail and Chuck had shot it with lidocaine so it wouldn't hurt. I ran faster than I ever had on a DEAD toe. It about KILLED me...but I won 3rd place in my division. (I truly think there were only 4 participants)

So here it is. The race is this Saturday. I have worked my BUTT off since January. 11 months...and I am ready.

Why so far??

I am doing it for my boys. Oh my gosh, I love them so much! I wasn't being the mom I wanted to be. I was stressed and frazzled. Running has given me perspective, patience, and that endorphin "feel good" happiness that makes me a better mom.

I am doing it for Chuck--I feel more attractive, more self-confident of my post-partum body, and more mellow. It also gives me goal and the satisfaction when I meet them.

Most of all...I am doing it for me.

When Charlie was born, I lost all sense of perspective. I gave EVERYTHING to my kids. A colleague once told me, "Never stop being involved in the things that interest you...always keep your own stuff going on or you will lose sight of who you are." I did just that. Running has allowed me QUIET TIME to reflect and think, it has allowed me to blow off steam. Most of all, I have regained a sense of me. I feel like I have some crazy new found strength enables my body do what my mind wants it to do. With it I have found a peace. I love it.

This past week, I have fought a cold, fought yet another ingrown toenail, AND tripped onver a TONKA bulldozer and busted my knee. It was discolored and swollen. (so were my spirits)

You know what? I am still running. I think I would run blind and one-legged if I had to. I have worked too long and too hard to let anything get in the way. 8:00 on Saturday. I'll let you know how it goes...