Friday, October 26, 2007

Going Going Gone, part 2

E rolled over last night...BOTH WAYS. She was laying on her back and we looked over at her and she had rolled to her tummy and had her arm stuck. So we fixed her upright on her tummy and she immediately rolled over to her back--3 times! I remember watching C4 for HOURS to catch him and she found it fun! Of course she had four other people cheering her on. It was so fun.

She was 3 months , 1 day...I think she is brilliant. BUT I am biased and I realize this. But according to, she shouldn't do it for another 4 weeks. OK, no more boasting. (sshhh, but I am proud of her...)

Going going GONE

C4 lost his first tooth 2 weeks ago today.

He was SO funny about it. He was determined that the dentist was going to pull it, not him. Soooo, we went to the dentist who said that HE needed to keep wiggling it and if it was not out by the next full moon, he would pull it.

He bit into a chip and BAM, it fell out.

It freaked him out for a minute, with all the blood and then he thought it was really cool.

His smile looks SO different. He looks so grown up. I had to hurry up and finish the tooth fairy pillow that I had started making him. It is VERY homegrown, but hey, his mom made it.

He wanted to write the tooth fairy a note. Here is what it said, "Wirs yor casle?" She wrote back on the same piece of paper in teeny tiny writing...My castle is located at the top of tooth mountain at the end of Enamel Lane. Thank you for your tooth, it will be a glorious addition to my castle. Love, tooth fairy. He got a dollar--he was so excited. He found the note a 1:30 am and we had to read it and talk about it.

He has a friend whose family doesn't believe in the tooth fairy or Santa. It makes me sad because if he tells his friends then there is no magic. I have been really thinking hard about what to say and here is what I came up with...I am sad for him because when you DON'T believe, Santa (or TF) can't come to your house anymore and your parents have to do it...but as long as you believe, he will keep coming. What do you think? Does this sound good? I would love input, as I haven't yet had to share it with him.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Eva and Jacob

My sister's family visited this weekend and I got to meet my PRECIOUS new neice Eva. She is 2 weeks younger than Eleanor and without planning it, they have the exact same initials, EBM. We had the most wonderful weekend. Eva is such a beautiful baby and my 2 year old nephew, Jacob, is adorable. He loves his Charlie and Zach and they had a gerat time together. We celebrated Zach's birthday (which is a whole different blog) and also did a photo shoot because I already had my stuff set up. For a Christmas present, we got the girls matching dresses monogrammed with their matching initials. OH MY GOODNESS. Here are my favs...

This is my all time favorite. Look at how much fun Jacob is having! His Daddy was being silly.

Which do you like better? I can't decide.

Jamie thinks they look conjoined inthis one.

I think Eleanor looks scared in this one.

Look at these BEAUTIFUL eyes!

I also took some of my own kids for Christmas, probably for our card...It's DONE!

My FAVORITE is Eleanor up on her elbows. I could eat her up. She is my precious bundle of sweetness.

Merry Christmas early!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Little Miss E at 3 months

Tell me, isn't she sweet?

My favorite pic--I had to play with it.

She smiles, she giggles, she'll steal your heart away! She sleeps well, she's got VERY blue eyes, she still has her hair...for now...she has the boys SO wrapped around her finger...all three of them! she sucks her thumb WHILE she twirls her hair, ALREADY. She LOVES her Daddy...and oh the bows, how we enjoy the bows. ...Did I mention she loves to wear boots?! ok, maybe I love it.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Speedboat to Asia

We took our first family trip this past week (times 2, actually) We went to Branson for 3 days and then on to San Diego for 5 days. Everyone did great and this will be my next blog, I promise. But in the wee hours of the night on the trip to Branson, I heard this from my Charlie:

Mom, we need to go to the Barnes' house. (Why?) We need to borrow their speedboat and drive it down to Florida. We need to put it in the water and drive it to Asia. (That's right, a speedboat to Asia.)
Once we get there I want to find the Garden of Eden. I am going to take a hatchet and chop down the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Then, I am gonna hunt for Satan. He's going to be hiding in a snakehole. I am going to shoot him dead with my BB gun. I am going to take 3,000 BBs so that I can be sure to kill him and I am going to kill him. Then there will be no evil and no sin in the world and everyone can go to heaven. Then I can go tell Brother Gary that he doesn't have to preach anymore because everyone is going to heaven.
Z, you need to call Buddy and ask him for a BB gun for your birthday. You also need to ask him for 3000 BBs. (To which Z replied, "I'll only need one.")