Friday, October 26, 2007

Going going GONE

C4 lost his first tooth 2 weeks ago today.

He was SO funny about it. He was determined that the dentist was going to pull it, not him. Soooo, we went to the dentist who said that HE needed to keep wiggling it and if it was not out by the next full moon, he would pull it.

He bit into a chip and BAM, it fell out.

It freaked him out for a minute, with all the blood and then he thought it was really cool.

His smile looks SO different. He looks so grown up. I had to hurry up and finish the tooth fairy pillow that I had started making him. It is VERY homegrown, but hey, his mom made it.

He wanted to write the tooth fairy a note. Here is what it said, "Wirs yor casle?" She wrote back on the same piece of paper in teeny tiny writing...My castle is located at the top of tooth mountain at the end of Enamel Lane. Thank you for your tooth, it will be a glorious addition to my castle. Love, tooth fairy. He got a dollar--he was so excited. He found the note a 1:30 am and we had to read it and talk about it.

He has a friend whose family doesn't believe in the tooth fairy or Santa. It makes me sad because if he tells his friends then there is no magic. I have been really thinking hard about what to say and here is what I came up with...I am sad for him because when you DON'T believe, Santa (or TF) can't come to your house anymore and your parents have to do it...but as long as you believe, he will keep coming. What do you think? Does this sound good? I would love input, as I haven't yet had to share it with him.


Blogger Unknown said...

My sisters girls are about this age and the oldest found out from friends that mommy and daddy are "santa". I think that's how most of them figure it out but what you plan to tell him sounds great. Sometimes they put it together on their own and that's okay also.

11:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the new smile! I can't imagine wanting the dentist to pull my teeth - I think I only lost one or two at home as a kid and would have loved to have spent less time at the dentist! I don't have any advice for the SC/Tooth Fairy dilemma - Chuck is the one that spilled the beans about Santa to Julie and me. Mom was so mad.

6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, and how about Chuck laughing/smiling in the picture where Charlie is crying? That cracked me up.

4:10 PM  

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