Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone.

The boys decided that they wanted to make Valentine's like that for their friends, so I made a blank slate and taught them how to make a card. C4 made his own polka-dots, the Z filled in his own stripes. They picked their own pictures (I set that up) and then they typed their own message, requesting help with spelling. We made them 2"x4" and taped them to a box of candy hearts. They LOVED them. They could not wait to give them to each of their friends, they were so excited. I loved that they each chose pictures of himself laughing and that they also made it from little E, aka "big stuff."

We were all ready for the party, we had even gotten decorations for school, etc. We weren't even running around crazy! The Z starts to not feel well yesterday, he has a cough and so he stays home so he won't miss the party today. Not only does Z have to miss it, they sent C4 home sick before the party, too. They were so sick, they didn't even care about missing it. They were sad, however, about not being able to pass out their valentines. By the time we got to the doctor at 2 pm, BOTH boys had 105 fever (ok, C4 was 104.9) and were diagnosed with the flu. UNBELIEVABLE. Happy Valentine's Day.

By the way, I think the Z needs a haircut. Their was a lady from the DEEP country in the waiting room with us. Z looked really bad and was all nappy headed. He staggered by this lady to get a drink of water. The lady said, "wow, SHE looks really sick." I try to nicely correct her and say, "uummm, yes, HE is feeling bad." But she corrected me. She nodded over to C4 and said, "no, not HIM" and then nodded over to Z and said, "HER." I pulled Z into my lap and whispered "I think it's time for a haircut." Happy Valentine's Day.

I just read this and noticed errors all the way through--I'm too tired, too frazzled, and WAY too over it to care. Truly, I hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day.

(Let the record show that along with our motrin and soup that we had for dinner, we DID fondue with chocolate and strawberries. I tried to make it special.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

love the cards! loved the fondue! love you!

10:10 AM  
Blogger sirrom said...

Great Valentine pics, Stacy. And so proud of the boys for making their own valentines. Glad you're on the way to recovery. Gram will like the haircut story.

10:12 PM  

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