Out of the Mouths of Babes
Charlie isn't playing soccer this year, but Zach is. When one of Charlie's friends on the 5 year old team invited him over to kick the ball, he replied, "No thanks, I retired last year.""
A girl named Ellen at the kid's school was praying as they do every morning...Dear Lord, thank you for Charlie and Zach's mom and please help them grow to respect her.
Charlie: "I farfed" (giggle giggle) I farfed again (giggle giggle)
Me: ok, the word is "farted" f-a-r-t-e-d "farted" it's not a nice word and now you know what the real word is, I don't want you saying it. You can say poot, pass gas, toot, whatever...but you can not say fart OR farf.
Zach: "I pooped the 'big kahuna'".
Today when I checked on Charlie in the shower (like I ALWAYS do) to see if he was getting clean he actually told me that he was doing fine and to "go mind your own business." I couldn't believe it. He would have been in SO much trouble if I hadn't been so stunned.
Charlie was in big church with the youth--WE WEREN'T THERE--(our small group meets and there is no child care for kids older than kindergarten.) So, the youth takes care of them in Sunday night church. In the MIDDLE of Brother Gary's sermon (where he had asked a question about losing your passion) Charlie raises him hand to add a comment. Zach Smith, the teenager responsible for Charlie repeatedly had him put him hand down. Mason and Wesley (two other youth) said "Man, don't squelch the spirit!" "Yeah man, don't be a jerk." So Charlie's hand stayed up and Brother Gary called on him..."God made me and all my body parts."
Every day I ask the boys to tell me their 3 favorite things about school and Zach always says, "My favorite part of school was when you picked me up because you are beautiful." LOVE IT.
We were learning about how Jesus healed the sick. We talked about how Charlie used to be very sick. He asked, "Oh yeah. Did I have the coxsackievirus?" "...uuuummmm...no."
For Christmas, Charlie has requested full scuba gear, size 5 slim. If anyone know where Santa could find this, Santa would be most appreciative.
A girl named Ellen at the kid's school was praying as they do every morning...Dear Lord, thank you for Charlie and Zach's mom and please help them grow to respect her.
Charlie: "I farfed" (giggle giggle) I farfed again (giggle giggle)
Me: ok, the word is "farted" f-a-r-t-e-d "farted" it's not a nice word and now you know what the real word is, I don't want you saying it. You can say poot, pass gas, toot, whatever...but you can not say fart OR farf.
Zach: "I pooped the 'big kahuna'".
Today when I checked on Charlie in the shower (like I ALWAYS do) to see if he was getting clean he actually told me that he was doing fine and to "go mind your own business." I couldn't believe it. He would have been in SO much trouble if I hadn't been so stunned.
Charlie was in big church with the youth--WE WEREN'T THERE--(our small group meets and there is no child care for kids older than kindergarten.) So, the youth takes care of them in Sunday night church. In the MIDDLE of Brother Gary's sermon (where he had asked a question about losing your passion) Charlie raises him hand to add a comment. Zach Smith, the teenager responsible for Charlie repeatedly had him put him hand down. Mason and Wesley (two other youth) said "Man, don't squelch the spirit!" "Yeah man, don't be a jerk." So Charlie's hand stayed up and Brother Gary called on him..."God made me and all my body parts."
Every day I ask the boys to tell me their 3 favorite things about school and Zach always says, "My favorite part of school was when you picked me up because you are beautiful." LOVE IT.
We were learning about how Jesus healed the sick. We talked about how Charlie used to be very sick. He asked, "Oh yeah. Did I have the coxsackievirus?" "...uuuummmm...no."
For Christmas, Charlie has requested full scuba gear, size 5 slim. If anyone know where Santa could find this, Santa would be most appreciative.