Happy Birthday Zachary
Dear Sweet Zach...Three years ago this morning in the 10 hour, you claimed my heart. Everything about you from the first moment has been perfect. God created you and made you into this precious little man...a perfect fit into our family. You are a McClain, there is never any doubt in those beautiful blue McClain eyes and your Gram's face. You are amazing.
I have enjoyed every moment of your little life. I love watching you and Charlie play together. You adore your older brother, saying EVERY single thing that he says, mimicking every move. You want to be like him in every way, but you are your own. You have your own heart...sweeter, more thoughtful, more giving than anyone I have ever met. You will give ANYTHING to anyone, they just have to say please. When you get a treat, you always say, "I need one for my Charlie too, please." You love the people around you fiercely and you are verbal about it. "I need a hug from you...you are my good friend...I love you..." Never lose that quality...ALWAYS share with those around you how you care about them.
I love how shy you are sometimes...making me realize that we are so lucky to receive your affection. I love how, like your father, you always do the nice thing. You are the word police, "Mom, WE don't say stupid (or but or hate or ugly)" You dream these huge elaborate dreams. Just last night you yelled out, "I don't WANT to slide down the elephant's trunk!" In your dreams, you always fight the bad guys and you always save the day. Little man, you will do that when you grow up, too. I adore your passion for food. I love how you are convinced that you are a BIG boy and I am a little lady, so you need to take care of me. I love how you squeeze your eyes shut and talk so freely to your God. May you always look to Him and lean on Him. I love that you talk incessantly. I love all your phrases, "Ooots, I so sorry...I am a BIG boy, see my muscles?...I hurt my tum (tongue)...I am a pteradactyl dinosaur bird, fap fap fap...But MMOMMM!...Mom, WE don't spank bottoms!...Dad is at the HOS-TI-PITAL, he's saving the day..."
This has been a hard year of growing up...your older brother started school, soccer and was in Cubbies. You wanted to do all this so badly. But instead you stood on the sidelines of all his events (usually in shinguards and cleats) yelling, "Whoooooo, go Charlie!" You are his biggest fan...and I am yours.
I love you love you love you, my sweet boy. May your third year be full of happiness and wonder. May you never lose your precious spirit.