Thursday, September 21, 2006

First day of school...

Here are pics from Zach's first day at school. Where it seemed that Charlie was never quite ready to go, Zach has been ready for a year.

School is uneventful, easy, and fun. He really likes making new friends and has fun with the little projects and songs that they do.

I LOVE the time that we get to spend together. Every moment is precious. It is imperative that we "cuddle up" every day until he falls asleep. He didn't get a nap today, so he was SO tired tonight. He ask that I cuddle him up, since I didn't during the day. I did...then after a while I told him 2 more which he replied. "Please cuddle me up forever." You got it little man. How can I EVER say no to that?

He too is learning piano. He now has a lesson of his OWN and has learned around 10 songs. He is most excited about "Old McDonald

This is the funniest pic. He had to go poop and an hour later, we couldn't find him. You see where he was. Priceless.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Redneck tooth

One more pic. Know why I took it? Look closely at the front was (and still is) turning black. I HAD to take a picture before his smile as I have always known it is gone FOREVER. Once their teeth start falling out, they will never have the same sweet smile. Their sweet little teeth will be replaced with MONSTER chunks of ivory.

HOW in the WORLD did he turn his tooth black? Check this out. Box in the mail--10 inches by 10 inches and 4 ft tall. They are having a BALL crawling in and out of it. Somehow Charlie got it over his head while he was standing up. Hands are pinned by his side, it's dark, and he can hardly breathe. His brother decides to knock him down.

Face down he a tree in the forest. NOTHING to break his fall to hard wood floors except a thin piece of cardboard. Then he is stuck face down when we hear the muffled cries. We come running and his eyes are rolling back, he can tell us his name, he is sweating all over and the BACK of his head hurts (he hit the front)...we thank the good Lord that he didn't have a brain bleed. But we DO have this nice, redneck tooth.

He is VERY proud of his tooth because how, it is MUCH darker. He can NOT wait for it to fall out. Unfortunately, it's not very loose.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

My little poser

See my big muscles?? Their HUGE--because I eat my PROTEIN. (I hear this DAILY! Isn't he cute??)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


ok ok--it has been a week since Charlie started school...and I am JUST now able to talk about it (sniffsniff). He was SO excited that he could NOT stand it! Armed with a big boy backpack (camo, of course) and a Batman alarm clock, he has been quite the student!

Every morning, they get up fill their sticker chart. They make their beds (recommended by Pat), eat breakfast, clear the table, get dressed, brush teeth, wet hair, put on socks and shoes and get backpacks. For each of these, they get a sticker and if they get all their stickers, they get a quarter for the day. This allows for 6 quarters a week (if you do it on Sunday too)...they tithe one and save one and get to spend the rest. It has been great.

Zach exclaimed on the first day at school...CHARLIE--I will miss you, but I WON'T be sad! Then they embraced. It was really sweet.

Charlie loved school SO much that he got up at 5:05 for THREE days! We finally told him he wasn't allowed to get up until the first number said 6.

Charlie is stubborn, but has an incredible teacher. He is really doing well. (This does a worried mama's heart a LOT of good) The 2nd day during story time, he rolled over onto his back and threw his legs up in the air over his head. He said, "I'm an armadillo and I've been hit by a truck. You can call me roadkill."

He has learned to eat with one hand in his lap (WOW!) He has filled out a calendar to 31 and a bunch of other stuff. His friend Ellen LOVES him and pretends to make him salmon at recess every day because it is his favorite. He has the sweetest friends.

He is in a class of THREE! Actually he is in a SCHOOL of THREE! It is amazing...perfect for him. Hmmm...Zach starts tomorrow. I will have to write again soon...