First day of school...
Here are pics from Zach's first day at school. Where it seemed that Charlie was never quite ready to go, Zach has been ready for a year.
School is uneventful, easy, and fun. He really likes making new friends and has fun with the little projects and songs that they do.
I LOVE the time that we get to spend together. Every moment is precious. It is imperative that we "cuddle up" every day until he falls asleep. He didn't get a nap today, so he was SO tired tonight. He ask that I cuddle him up, since I didn't during the day. I did...then after a while I told him 2 more which he replied. "Please cuddle me up forever." You got it little man. How can I EVER say no to that?
He too is learning piano. He now has a lesson of his OWN and has learned around 10 songs. He is most excited about "Old McDonald
This is the funniest pic. He had to go poop and an hour later, we couldn't find him. You see where he was. Priceless.
how sweet is cuddle him up forever.
and i am sure he will live to regret this photo :)
Sweet little man. Papa
Happy birthday Zach!!! Papa
This is the sweetest blog I have ever seen. I am so glad that I found it. Can't wait for more stories.
That picture of him on the toilet is hilarious!
Happy Birthday Zach!
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