Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Z's lost tooth

I love my Z. He is so loving, so tender-hearted, so kind. He is also very tenacious...maybe even competitive. Ever since C4 lost his first tooth, Z has wanted to do the same. A couple of weeks ago, he bit on a hard piece of plastic and said, "wow, I think I have a loose tooth." The hand entered the mouth and he proceeded to wiggle it. TEN hours later, the tooth was pulled.
I did not have time to prepare... I didn't get a pre-hole picture, I didn't get to make him a tooth-fairy pillow.
Ironically, he had the same response as Charlie. HORRIFIED at first, then he thought the blood was cool. He was proud.

the UH-OHHH game

Little E has learned this new game. She drops something...anything...and looks up at you with a very dramatic expression and says, "UH-ohhh." For instance, she throws her sippy across the kitchen after EVERY sip. It was so very cute---the first week.

The Z came running in last night with a horrified look on his face. He says, "Mom, I really didn't mean to, but I peed on her head." WWHHHAAAT?!
E's baby doll, she threw it into potty while I was going pee....I tried, but I couldn't stop and I peed on the baby's head.


Sunday, August 03, 2008

so pretty!

My sweet baby is one year old. I can not even begin to express my emotions. Where did it go?

I will write on that soon, as I AM going to blog again. I also have to blog her bday party...which is already such a wonderful memory to me.

But until then, here is my beautiful, sweet mess!

I was doing some work in the kitchen and little Miss E disappeared and was VERY quiet. I heard the boys in our bathroom taking a shower and cutting up, so I figured she was in there hanging out with them. Was I wrong!
She came out looking like this:

She had"made up" her face...lips, eyes, nose, hair...along with our carpet, several diapers, and our bathroom rug. She ATE the evidence before she came to see me.
She was SO proud of herself.

...Oh so pleased!

Mobile kids...overrated.